A Drop of Mana - Wisdom Talk

Trailer - Meet John Sweet

September 24, 2021 John C. Sweet Season 1 Episode 1

We are excited to present the new podcast series 'The John Sweet Podcast'  premiering on October 1st, 2021. John Sweet is an author of numerous poetry books and he is also an experienced public speaker, educator and student. John is humbled and honored to share his experience, strength, and hope with you. The first season of the The John Sweet Podcast, "How to Live Life," will introduce you to the mind, heart, and soul of John Sweet and how he loved, lost and learned about what it means to be a spiritual being on this planet. This series will be dedicated to delving deeper into what it has meant to be be alive in this three dimensional world. While many of us have been shifting into our fourth or fifth dimensional states of being, those shifts can illicit profound questions as to what our real purpose here is, are we to remain in our endless cycle of work, play, and pleasure seeking, or is it time for us to break the mold, throw off the shackles of the past and embrace this new reality, 2020 and 2021 were very perilous years and we all had to learn how to live in this new world, one that felt unsafe, unpredictable and flat out scary. As we near the end of 2021, I know that we all have changed. We are seeing the light, and this evolution has never been more apparent as we analyze our work life, personal lives, and interpersonal relationships. Some of us fell into addictions, albeit food, drugs, alcohol, entertainment, and distraction, there is no blame to be placed. But, there is so much hope, we have so much to offer and to be thankful for. We are waking up from a deep slumber, no longer shall we be complacent, no longer shall we abide, the time for a new dawn is upon us. We hope you enjoy listening to John's new podcast series, "How to Live Life."

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